Name: Susan Sorenson

Age: 33

Height: 5’7

Home: Born in the Kingdom of Ripleton (one of the nine kingdoms lost in the Days of Hellsfire)

Divinity: Studies in the Sacred Arts

Quote: “So pray to the gods, but take it from someone that knows – no one is listening to you.”

Bio: Queen Susan Sorenson, wife to the late King Augustus Sorenson. She’s been by his side since they fought together in the Days of Hellsfire. Even before that when she was nothing more than a servant girl with some skills with a sword, enough to award her with the title of being a knight. She followed Augustus from the Kingdom of Ripleton when he was fighting his way through Eurosia into Arcasia to be crowned a champion of the lands. She loved and admired him, but his treatment of her often left her conflicted. Where she could see the good in him, he often overlooked her talents and buried them beneath his own pride. Still, his desire to protect others during the Days of Hellsfire, made up her mind that she would follow him until the end. That end coming in the beginning of The King of the Round Table Tournament.
The Purpose of the Character: There’s a lot to Susan’s character that she chooses not to reveal to others, believing she needs to portray herself as a certain way in order to appear strong to the people while she was hidden in the king’s shadow. West is one of a few that have noticed Susan’s talents despite how challenging she can be to deal with. She’s supposed to be that voice that he’s reluctant to listen to because of how she belittles everyone, but deep down he knows she’s right. She was also one of my favorite characters to write for.